I once centered my thoughts on acting right,living rogjt,talking right,seeming right and trying to stay right yet it seems as though nature had another course which was so indifferent,it home t me hard when the effects did come yet the only thing which kept me was the art which I learnt and kept dear and that was the "art called hope" *Hope is the substance of internal belief in the unseen until the unseen becomes seen in the world where beings live in and win. We center our thoughts on the present without realizing that the future is a picture reaction to present action put into consideration either done in a right manner or not,yet always hold until hope because situation may look so unwholesome and without vigor yet still see the future and put your vvsion into action and then the effect of your present driven by the catalyst called hope will not only act in creating an activation energy built up by an increased enthalpy but a pattern of making the reaction worth it. tha...
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