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What Religion is not

The morning comes as always with the notion of the very radiance of the new Dawn's rays signalling it's Advent on your nearly opened eye yet with all this scenery the first thought of many to the first action is either the worship of their phones or the salutation of a divine being thus believed in. Yet the chaotic situation we see all around in a global terrain has raised eyebrows on a singular question and that is
"Is religion a scam or are we following blindly a borrowed ideology without having reasons why we ought to?
This article are some things that not what we concieve religion to be,follow me on this ride.
*Firstly religion is not a fanatic pursuit for an end:Religion with it's definition is a search fora God which I bet in some sect it's any name they give to a divine being yet when we put so much fanatism and adverse zeal to act as though it's penance or a show off to your act together and make the divinty pleased then that ain't religion but adverse act of zeal without a divine truth. Being religious is not slavery but a path to freedom.
2* Religion ain't stupidity:Many atimes we are driven by thoughts of doing stuffs to get miracles,blessings,a new power,inner peace or a strong connection with a divine source and then acts are then goven to do which are sometimes outrightly without logical explanation like being walked on,acting as a horse,having premarital coitus with a said religious leader or other acts that are seriously out of human duty is not religion but an art of charlatanism as well as hypnosis on the part of the proselyte.
3*Thirdly religion is not an art of division or sectarianism but a pathway on knowing the nature of the one true God so the presence of various religious group is just the pathway to know the truth but it ain't the truth,so if you see various religions as the better than the other then you are on a bad notation because they are all paths to truth yet there is only one right way to the divine,which it might be the one you take or mine,yet only the divine know which is.
Finally I end with this words,choose truth that you may live and do not live in the deception of dogmas and patterns that ain't right with your mental space but follow what's your drive and glow.
I remain the rabboni in my sactum of knowledge.
#rabbonis sactums new article.


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