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African parent saga and the whole drama play they always give( What's your tale,just relate)

The beauty of African parenting and it's stories

No matter that the most of us who have been raised by African parents have all experienced similar childhoods – or at least have a few things in common we can relate to. 

As I was growing up, I never understood why my parents were always so hard on me. My mum especially was relentless, she expected nothing but the best from me – she still does. Although she very much raised me in accordance to African social and cultural values.

Looking back, whilst I have had to learn a few things the hard way, I am glad I did. As I am contemplating the idea of having kids of my own one day, I took a trip down memory lane to sum up some of the greatest life lessons have learnt from my family

Rudyard Kipling once said that God could not be everywhere and therefore He created mothers. He could not be more right. Everything mothers do is a symbol of their affection to us and no matter how annoying,  we love them all the more.

Here are some of the annoying things  African mothers and parents specialised in

1.Scolding you in public

One mistake and your mother will give you a dose of her scolding without even caring that you are in public and the kind of embarrassment she is causing you.

2. Being your designer

That dress is too short, too tight, I don’t like its color, it would look better on your younger sister or brother are just some of the comments from mum when you think you have dressed to kill. They never seem like your clothes and they will instead buy you what they think is best, even if you end up looking like an overgrown clown!

3.Chores chores and more chores

Just when you are starting to enjoy your favorite TV programme after a mountain load of chores, that is the time they will find more work for you. They will even yell more chores while you are performing other chores. Mothers don’t seem to think their children get tired. When you dare complain they will give you a lecture on how they are working so hard to provide for ungrateful kids.

4. Trying to be your best friend

Mothers will expect you to tell them everything about your life from that annoying teacher, your friends, your job, your boyfriend, luring you by giving you details of their own life. Do not forget that the details you give them about your private life will one day be used against you.

5) Blaming everything on your phone

From your low grades in school, burnt food in the kitchen to a headache… your phone will always bear the brunt. They will threaten to confiscate your phone on slight provocation. The only time they forgive you for being addicted to your phone is when they want you to show them how to use a certain application or feature in their phone.

5. Comparing you to other kids

Your mom will always tell you how your cousins, her friend’s children, or the neighbor’s kids are very hardworking, obedient or how religious they are, never mind that you know them better than she does. They will never tell how good you in your face, but will not hesitate to brag to her friends of how amazing you are in your absence. Others includes

Respecting your elders

. In most African households, being the youngest means you must do everything anyone older than you demand you to do. Whilst it can be annoying at times, what it means is that from a young age you learn to respect your elders and appreciate older people’s knowledge and experience.

Never, ever talk back at your parents

That’s a big one. Respect is everything. I think once or twice, like most kids, have tried to raise my voice at my mum. Let me just tell you that it didn’t end up well…


Introducing a boyfriend to your parents is no easy business. First of all, there’s no such thing as bringing different boys to your home. When introducing a boyfriend to your parents you have got to make sure he is going to put a ring on it eventually. Whilst it may sound backwards, it teaches you about commitment and forces you to take a closer look at your relationship before talking to your family about it. It also means you only have to go through the awkward introduction with your dad once - which is a blessing on its own.


One thing I was taught from an early age was that life isn’t always easy and that if I wanted to make it I would need to be willing to go the extra mile. So this ends today's post on Rabbonisactum, post your comments on the comment box below,like and render your own view and I will kindly respond to them all .love y'all from this desk. Good bye


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