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Showing posts from May, 2020

Sex and live the treatise and it's verdict on the beauty it offers( hop in and enjoy)

Life and Sex,it's symbiosis and the beauty it gives when performed with orgasmic moan to you( Damn adventurers read up) First published on May 31st 2020 By Okereke Ikechukwu Wow what a lovely Sunday with each moments of the month a memoir on my diary of life lived,experienced explored,new domain conquered and life transformed. As we come to the last day of this month I want you guys to be spurred into the realms of surplus cos mehn you are beautiful if you continue seeing the reflection of that lovely personae you are. Today, I your witty blogger and friend is posting something intriguing that will enrapture your mind and make you glued to your phone until you are done. So hop in let's roll on this rollercoaster of info. Today's post is on the very similarity of life and Sex,with this I start with a quote which is " Life is sex and sex is life only the skillful reach orgasms" Life according to the English dictionary is the " biological state of an organism be...

The patterns of words that generate fear,anger it disgust in men which ladies use without hurting intents( A needful read)

Th words that incite disgust and repulsive behavior by men when a lady says( a must read to build your relationship) Whats When women react to something that bothers, at times does the opposite of what they intend. Okereke Ikechukwu says there are better ways to do it stemi g from the facts that words are powerful which ought to be spoken with moderation,wit,truth that edifues as well as sometimes sexually attuned for your partners fantasies to be aroused,yet today's post in on offensive words which are subtle and not easily icked as hurtful yet triggers a bad vibe from the dude in question to.whivh this words were geared to and they are; 1) Can we talk now: This is the most terrible thing for men to hear. It straightaway puts them on the defensive and they withdraw. It’ not about being right or wrong, it’s about the purpose of your talk. It’d be better if you could say, “Do you have a few minutes, I have something where I need help.” This makes him open, receptive and puts him in ...

White lies our parents told us which were funny and still taunts us at some point( read up it's quite funny) Kids and parents The scenery of lies and it's unfolding truth( something we all had,read  children are raised to believe that their parents know best. And many do…at least until they grow up and realize all the malarky they’ve been fed over the years. But, hey, can you really blame parents? Kids ask a lot of questions and sometimes it’s jus It easier to lie. From popular health misconceptions to the little white lies that help get our kids to do what we want them to, Familial Fictions As little kids we believe everything our parents say — until reality comes knocking and we start to realize that some things parents say  might not be completely true . Whether trying to protect children from the harsh facts of the world, delay a difficult conversation, or just have a little fun with fiction, all parents have probably told more than a few white lies, and  maybe  the occasional whopper. Here are some of the biggest lies parents tell, includi...