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Do you think we are under the control of outer space forces having workd Dominion( What's your view,a must read)

This article is about one of the conspiracy theories of world domination by the much acclaimed"Reptilian Race" who are said to hold political positions in World power countries as well as leading nanes in the world of entertainment. Yet what's your verdict cos we are about to hop into something enthralling,stay with me.
The idea of shape-shifting lizards taking human forms in a plot to rule America and the world has become one of the most majestic and marvelous conspiracy theories created by mankind (or lizardkind, if you will). 

Here is a brief guide to this world of lizard people true believers.

What is a lizard person?

Firstly kets start with an intro into the workd of the reptilians.It'sjust what it sounds like.
Lizard people are cold-blooded humanoid reptilians who have the power to shape-shift into human form. According to David Icke, a new-age philosopher and one of the most prominent theorists in the lizard people game, these creatures have had their claws in humankind since ancient time, and world leaders like Queen Elizabeth, George W. Bush, the Clintons, and Bob Hope are all lizard people.
"Encroaching on other conspiracy theorists' territory, Icke even claims that the lizards are behind secret societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati," Time reported.
Icke's 1998 bookThe Biggest Secret, is considered an important tome in lizard people theory.

The question asked is"do People actually believe in this stuff?

My answer is Yes.

How many Americans believe in lizard people?

Back in April of 2013, Public Policy Polling conducted a poll about conspiracy theories like aliens, an impostor Paul McCartney, and, of course, lizard people. And the polling organization found that 4 percent of Americans believe in lizard people, while another 7 percent were unsure. Taken to its absurd extreme, that would imply around 12 million Americans,

How do those who believe in lizard people know when someone is a lizard person?

There are many differing theories. If you look at the forums on Icke's site, there are numerous posts either telling people how to spot lizard people or asking how to pick a lizard person out from the crowd.
Bump, one of the top lizard person journalists in the field, made a handy guide last year that culled lizard-person identifiers. Here's the list of lizard person tells:
  • Green eyes or lizard eyed pupils
  • Good eyesight or hearing
  • Having red hair
  • A sense of not belonging to the human race
  • Unexplained scars on the body
  • Love of space
  • Low blood pressure

A brief survey on Icke's forums also point out physical features like having a smile where bottom teeth show, eyes that change size, or eyes with abnormally-sized pupilsas potential lizard-person tells.
"It's about the soul inhabiting the body, not the physical body," ufochick reminds us all.

What do lizard people want?

World domination.

Where do lizard people come from?

Aside from people's paranoia, lizard people are thought to primarily come from the constellation Draco, though there are some theories that reptoids come from other systems like Sirius and Orion too. Basically, they're
Icke's believers say that lizard people have been visiting Earth since ancient times and breeding with humans, which results in more lizard people and more humans with the potential to be lizard people above isa video of the Reptilian and their plan

Which famous celebrities are allegedly lizard people?

Alleged lizard people are almost always A-listers. And the list of alleged lizard people includes Barack Obama, Donald Rumsfeld (showing that lizard people transcend party lines), Madonna, Katy Perry, Bill Clinton, and Angelina Jolie among others.

Am I a lizard person?

Possibly. Only you can know for sure. But hey, there are worse things you could be than a humanoid lizard with plans for world domination. That's pretty ambitious and admirable. Congratulations. So drop your comments,views and opinions on the comment box below and I'll kindly reply with much love,


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