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The act of religious meetings to be fully opened and personal opinion of it's adverse effect,( What's yours cos it's needed)

A personal opinion of Donald's Trumps ordering if all religious places to be opened.Whats yours(A readers love)

Father Edward L. Beck, C.P., is a Roman Catholic priest the views expressed in this commentary are his own. Yet maybe I'll place mine too
On friday the 22nd of may 2020 had the American Donald Trump announce that he considers houses of worship and their religious services essential. I won't argue that point. Although obviously not essential for all that was father Beck's opinion
Father Edward Beck
He went on: "The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now, this weekend. If they don't do it, I will override the governors."( Donald Trump's words).
    In his words he said "who says that religious organizations haven't already been providing "essential" services without this presidential "blessing?" I am a Roman Catholic priest in the Passionist Community serving, at the moment, in New York. During this pandemic I have buried the dead at cemeteries wow I pray he wasn't infected with burying any of the virus patient( just saying) with limited family members present. I have prayed with people via FaceTime and Zoom. I even heard a confession in a supermarket parking lot.we have also celebrated virtual Masses and prayer services for countless of the faithful.
    The churches in my area have been open for individual prayer, Benediction services and Stations of the Cross, and social distancing is strongly encouraged.similarly, rabbis and imams whom I know have been doing the equivalent with their respective religious congregations. That is all "religious service."
    What most of us have not done is put ourselves and our parishioners in danger by gathering in large groups for Mass or other religious services "as usual." That would have been — and would continue to be, in this time of contagion — irresponsible and sinful. It would also violate the right to life of many. Yes, responsible action with regard to religious organizations during this pandemic is a right-to-life issue. This is a right that needs to apply to those who live after birth, too.
    In her press briefing Friday at the White House, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany suggested that telling churches not to reopen is a violation of our First Amendment rights.
    Briefing gets heated after press secretary's remark
    Briefing gets heated after press secretary's remark 01:30
    I don't see the logic there. No one is prohibiting the free exercise of religion. Though we are in the teeth of a pandemic, in which a very dangerous coronavirus can be transmitted by, among other things, close physical proximity, people can and do continue to worship, albeit in temporarily alternative.
    We all want to be able to open churches and places of worship fully so that those who wish to gather in physical communion again can do so. However, this must be done incrementally and with utmost care. Physicians and health experts should be our primary guides here, and religious leaders should follow their guidance with strict and humble adherence.
    President Trump wants governors to "allow churches and places of worship to open right now." That would be foolhardy and dangerous( wow quite a huge word)
    But let us take the time we need to get it right. When those of us who are Christian put out our hands for communion again, let's be confident that the body of Christ will nourish our bodies and not infect them. Our bodies — and lives — may depend on it. Yet in God's word the Bible desires that we should not despise the gathering of the brethren and the edifying of each other by the word of God shared amongst us with iron sharpening iron. Yet under this pandemic and the very instance if huge spread and it's potency to be fatal upon mass congregation especially in the Catholic sect of the Christian faith and other religious sect with huge population but the implementation of this act of social distancing can still be acted upon which should be a good stance for religious gathering and God's word to be taught and edification enacted even in this decaying world.
    This is my opinion,what's yours send your comments am


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