The Beauty in Being Stupid and What The Conception only Makes it's niche.( A must read)
By Okereke Ikechukwu
New hires enthusiastically hope their new jobs will give them ample opportunity to put their best efforts and intellectual gifts to work. But they’re frequently in for an unpleasant surprise.
By Okereke Ikechukwu
New hires enthusiastically hope their new jobs will give them ample opportunity to put their best efforts and intellectual gifts to work. But they’re frequently in for an unpleasant surprise.
They soon discover that, although they’ve been selected for their skills and intelligence, they’re not expected to use them! They’re assigned routine tasks they consider stupid, and they quickly learn the employees who get ahead are the stellar practitioners of corporate mindlessness.

Why stupidity reigns
Those who learn to switch off their brains are often rewarded. Escaping the kind of uncomfortable questions thinking brings to light allows employees to side-step conflict with co-workers. By toeing the corporate line, thoughtless employees are seen as leadership material and are promoted. Talented employees learn to use their skills and intellect only in the most narrow and myopic ways.
The authors found many large corporations overrun by stupidity. The stupidity wasn’t the accidental result of a few corporate buffoons, but was often intentionally created by purposefully creating a kind of collective mindlessness.
Encouraging stupidity
This article is on several ways organizations positively encouraged intelligent people not to fully use their intellect.
Bureaucracy — Many rules and routines – even if they’re completely counterproductive – prompt employees to focus on complying with bureaucracy instead of doing the meat of their jobs. This has been classified as the norm with each moment signalling you to abide or be fired.
Leadership — Leaders talk about vision, purpose and authenticity with great verve. However, when you take a close look at what leaders do, there’s little, if any, leadership to be found. Most executives spend their days attending meetings, filling in forms and communicating information. In other words, they’re bureaucrats.
Brand power — Some organizations assume that, just by changing the signage, it’s possible to transform the entire company. This is almost always wishful thinking, and the fascination with branding can be a dangerous distraction. Launching branding initiatives means that executives can focus on the easier work of manipulating surface images and avoid the more challenging realities of organizational life.
Imitation — Many companies adopt the latest management fads, no matter how unsuitable they may be for that organization. Leaders hope their firms will be seen as world-class if they copy well-known organizations, but often there are very weak reasons for following industry best practice and it rarely has the intended impact.
Company culture — Cultures can imprison employees into narrow ways of viewing the world, such as the common obsession with constant change. Change programs are launched with great fanfare, but not much happens next. Leaders then drop the initiative and move on to the next fashionable change program without learning anything new. This approach means managers spend their days trying to claim responsibility for projects that have succeeded and dodge responsibility for failures.
How to act stupid…. successfully
Acting stupid at work is a subtle art. If you underdo it, people will suspect you’re putting on an act. If you overdo it, they’ll think you’re a liability. Here are the tactics skilled practitioners of corporate stupidity use to get it just right.
Do what everyone else is doing — If your competitor introduces a new strategy, do the same – no matter how wrong-headed it might be. Copy iconic companies even if you’re in an entirely different industry. If you call it “best practice,” you might be hailed a genius. When it goes wrong, you can say,“Everyone got it wrong.”
Look good at all costs — Advanced practitioners of corporate stupidity often spend less time on the content of their work and more on its presentation. They realize most stupid ideas are routinely accepted when they’re presented well, and decision-makers will likely forget much of the content by the time they walk out the door. When things go wrong, you can say, “They didn’t read the fine-print.”
Assume the boss always knows best — This means doing what your boss wants, no matter how idiotic. What’s even more important is that you do what your boss’s boss wants. You’ll look like you’re loyal and it’ll save time arguing for your position. When things go wrong, you can blame the boss.
Spin wins — An effective way to get out of doing anything real is to rely on a flurry of management jargon. Develop “strategies,” generate “business models,” engage in “thought leadership.” This will get you out of doing any actual work and it’ll also make you seem like you’re cutting edge. When things go wrong, you can blame the trendy management concept.
Keep moving — It’s vital to avoid being tagged with your own mistakes. Take the glory that comes from short-term success and move on before you’re saddled with any longer-term costs. When things go wrong, someone else is left to clean up the mess. “Always try to outrun your mistakes,” was one manager’s career advice.
Being "stupid" as the world tags you to be is the outright a time out of judgement,implied norm,the way and the normal act you are supposed to attend to.
Yet being stupid gives you and edge to avoid being
- The normal manipulated folk who is swept by any mantra or action needful without being free.
- You are free of the clutches of societal duties and then ready to stand unique and soar.
- Finally the man who admits his mistakes,takes control of his emotions and lifestyle,lives in the aura of the moment,abides by the laws of his inner instinct and is a freeborn from the loops of the circus of normalcy on this plane called Earth
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