First published on May 31st 2020
By Okereke Ikechukwu
Wow what a lovely Sunday with each moments of the month a memoir on my diary of life lived,experienced explored,new domain conquered and life transformed.
As we come to the last day of this month I want you guys to be spurred into the realms of surplus cos mehn you are beautiful if you continue seeing the reflection of that lovely personae you are.
Today, I your witty blogger and friend is posting something intriguing that will enrapture your mind and make you glued to your phone until you are done. So hop in let's roll on this rollercoaster of info.
Today's post is on the very similarity of life and Sex,with this I start with a quote which is
" Life is sex and sex is life only the skillful reach orgasms"
Life according to the English dictionary is the " biological state of an organism being alive or the state of an organism preceeding death" While sex is hence defined as the" sexual activity usually sexual inteecourse performed by an organism.
This two do not look similar In definition yet they have similar traits you cannot comprehend.
Firstly; Sex is best enjoyed by the female folk when a foreplay either cunnilingus,caressing,nipple tingling,kissing as well as presex acts which creates an aura that incites reactions so distinct.
- Yet do you know life enjoys being caressed,cuddled and put into a state of ecstasy by our existence and actions using senses of speech,touch etc to create some reactions we call reality in blessings,favour and bliss. Life moans with so much passion when we move it great love making done with skills and a daring performance.
Sex has been called the " spice of a relationship" with it's allure desired either by each gender yeah olso called "sexes" this word eh,it's so sexy. Yet many atimes many put so much pressure on it cos they want to be sexual,act in response to their desires and be the best lover on bed.
This has arisen questions on subjects like" does size matter", " The Gspot question and it's location and others,this indicates man's devotion to the act called SEX.
- Life also his twin and personae also is the spice of our existence. Something can exist but doesn't live. Many atimes we are asked if we are living beings and our answer remains yes but remember that Coca-Cola the most popular thing exist but doesn't live. So mehn life is a spice and substance which makes existence a grandour we roll in. Therefore life needs optimum attention to details,creative duties to make it sordid and romantic. Life is like sex cos a good performance from a good lover creates a harmonious scenery filled with moans,unfolded frigidity becoming esctatic sceneries. That's what life gives if you service her well.
Sex is a creative art with positions heralding intermittent moments of thrusting,sucking,tonging,oral stimulation a d physical contact with I can say present states of bodily flexible arts where aerobics and athletics are seen. Damn sex is beautiful cos it connect souls to love and passion and once connection is built on drive,passion and individual creativity then the sexual activity becomes a blissful.
- Hence life is also a creative journey with it's points wanting thrusting through mental actions,decision takings,interpersonal networking and a spiritual push or thrust into dimensions of excellence. Life also sucks on the fountain of nature as in myths we all are" babes of mother nature" so life also otally stimulates by words we hear either in our minds,from things life brings and situations. They can stimulate reactions like pains,cries,happiness and joy which are seen all in the actions during moaning upon sexual acts.
- Sex is also called " fucking" practically in the session of hardcore sex or animalistic sex. Most times it works on rigorous acts of love making with it's moments called " rounds" as though it's a fight which sometimes looks like yet at the end both come out satisfied or not depending on the lovers performance on bed.
Yet life is also the best fucker and sex addicted cos it just does one thing and that it " fuck you either up,down and all positions yet no matter how she tries to fuck,it depends on you the male figure if life to position it in the way that is suited for you to do the art without being fatigued. So treat life with always knowing that it fuck but you are the man to direct the flow and get maximum response from her(life) as well.
- Finally sex is done through stimulation on each other genitalia which results in orgasms,eventual.pregnancy or not if the semen and eggs are fertile resulting from ejaculation and fertilization. Sex is done using a give- receive mechanism done by either parties either through fellatio or cunnilingus or other sexual stimulating arts. Sex most times is looked as quite obscene to talk about but I love sex and I love life cos sex is life and life is sex. For stimulation a ladies body have points or spots which trigger squirting or orgasm upon sexual peak which is first the Gspot and other erogenous zones. Underneath is a video on sex and life what they offer
In similarity life has a Gspot which is the God spot of any creation which is inside the man which can only be stimulated by only one thing and that best lover in the world who makes the art lovely.
- With this have sex with that mind that it's propelled by love and have life spelled out In bliss on the palate of love cos only then shall produce be see.
I remain iyke the blogger and rabbi opening mysteries just comment and share cos am always here to read and reply with much love .
Haha 🤣 🤣 my fav line:
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