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The art of not ejaculating during sex,yet having coitus up to 12 hours with bliss( Read and get wowed)

Energy Karezza: The art of lovemaking that enchants without you ejaculating( so important,please read)

Orgasm causes elation, then honeymoon hangover in the brain.
Have you heard about the art of Karezza which is a formidable sexual continence art that allows you to enjoy sex,have peak orgasms up to multiple times,connect both polarities of the sexual poles to gain spiritual enlightment and also have a life full of bliss radiating from an energy stimulated sex with huge benefits.
 The 51-year-old publisher from Virginia isn't celibate. Happily married for 25 years, Cook said his sex life is more exciting than ever and giving up the goal-oriented climax has improved every aspect of his life.
Cook, the father of adult two sons, is a newcomer to karezza, a form of intercourse that emphasizes affection while staying far from the edge of orgasm. Climax is not the goal and ideally does not occur while making love.
"It creates a deep feeling in a relationship that is very difficult to describe -- much deeper than conventional sex," he said.This is the tale of many on this step.
Cook is one of a growing number of men who have embraced karezza and have found it has helped heal their marriages, inject more spark into their sex lives and even shed porn addiction.
A recovering porn addict, Cook suffered from performance anxiety with girlfriends. Sex got better with his wife, but he didn't know how much until he discovered karezza.
Now, he has sex almost every day.
Deb Feintech, a counselor from Portland, Maine, uses karezza to help couples repair their broken relationships. Which today on this article I want to write on how it's achieved.
"The people most interested are men," she said. "It's very radical for them, but they are finding the emotional intimacy far outweighs any of the thrill of the chase and the mating mind."
And Feintech said the practice is not just helpful for middle-aged couples struggling with the ennui of a long marriage, but for young couples headed to the altar.
It puts puts the emphasis on attachment, not climax.
The word karezza was coined by Dr. Alice Bunker Stockham, a Chicago obstetrician and early feminist who promoted birth control, a ban on corsets and sexual fulfillment for both genders. In 1896, she wrote a book by that name -- from the Italian word carezza, which means caress.
For strengthening marriages, she encouraged what was then called "male continence," although in the interest of equality, she asked that women abstain from orgasm, as well.
Marnia L. Robinson has carried the contemporary torch in her 2009 book, "Cupid's Poisoned Arrow,".
"Even for those with the highest libidos, performance can become a grind and drive a craving for novelty," said Robinson. "Such feelings, although perfectly natural, can create projections and resentment that cause disharmony, especially after our temporary honeymoon neurochemistry wears off."
"Orgasm really isn't in our genitals, but actually between our ears," she said.
In men, that happens almost immediately after ejaculationfor women, it can be two weeks before the brain returns to homeostasis, according to Robinson.
"Karezza turned out to be an enjoyable way to tiptoe around biology's agenda," she said.
But in karezza, lovemaking never finishes, so sexual energy continues to flow, helping to prevent boredom with a partner, say advocates.
Karezza also elicits the relaxation response and encourages the brain to release the "love" hormone ocytocin, which helps in bonding behavior.
 He calls the old sex: "lick, pump, squirt, snore," an act that was driven by the man.
Now, his wife feels she is an equal partner in the bedroom. They are having sex every day -- "and it's not boring," said Keil, who is writing a book and runs small workshops.
"It's really alive, great sex with great feeling," said Keil. "The pleasure goes up another level ... You follow the sensation in your body, not the stimulation."
Most men who have never heard of karezza look at this writeup as aafantasy but it's real.this is a video on how Karezza sex can be achieved and it's techniques
'It's just hard to get men to want to skip orgasms," he said. "One guy said to me, you want me to climb 10,000 feet up Mt. Everest and not get to the top?"
"The natural 'karezzanauts' would be committed couples who want to sweeten the harmony of their relationships," said Robinson.
But young people, too, can try their hand at karezza, she said. In the very least, the practice is an effective form of birth control.
"I doubt any of us forget how to have conventional sex if pregnancy is desired," she said. "You can still ride a bike, even if you driven by a car.


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